Able to Overcome Adversity
Thank God life has its blessings, rewards and positive, sunshiny days. However, to live and prepare for the day of trouble is wisdom. We know there are certainly going to be some calamities down the road. There are going to be some misfortunate events, troubles and accidents in everyone’s lives. Some crumble in face of tough problems and unfair odds but we have to decide that, with God’s help, we are not going to be one of them. Solomon spoke to this saying, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” (Proverbs 21:10) For those who are in covenant with Him, God says, “In time of trouble He shall hide (you) in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle. He shall hide (you); He shall set (you) high upon a rock.” (Pslam 27:5) He goes on to say in Psalm 50:15 that you can “call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” What incredible promises!
Life is a battle for all of us. There are, thankfully, a whole lot more sunshiny days than dark ones but it is the dark days that have the power to devastate. It is the days days that cause the weak to despair and give up. Adversity and conflict are simply unavoidable in life. For this reason and to encourage us to be prepared, the Master counsels is to count the cost before we ever step out on the field of battle. Before we even begin a battle, we need to decide if we have the gear to go all the way and obtain the victory. In order to get the true picture of what we are facing He poses this questions: “What king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able to with Ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and ask conditions of peace.” (Luke 14;31, 32) In other words, if we are looking for a fair fight is this life, we are going to be sadly disappointed. Don’t. Our adversary is the devil will be working in and through people and circumstances right in our very neighborhood, the community we live in, the company and ministry we are working for. The question is can you still keep the faith and believe you have the victory even when we are outnumbered two to one? Even two against one would be a blessing compared to what we might have to face on occasion. If we handle these conflicts successfully, positive results will strengthening our relationships and cause us to gain even more ground in life. Allowing them to defeat us will harm our relationships and cause us to lose ground and, for a time, may destroy our happiness.
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