Winston Menzies, is the son of an Air Force pilot and Squadron Commander. He graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.S. degree were he also received his pilot's license and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army.

Upon entering active duty, he graduated from the Airborne, Ranger, Pathfinder, and Jumpmaster schools. He served as a platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne Division and was later selected to be aide to the Commanding General. Subsequently he volunteered twice to command rifle companies in Vietnam. After three years, He chose to resign his commission as a Captain to begin his business career. For his service he was awarded the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Army Commendation Medals.


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Sample #5

Faithful In Relationships What is life about? Things or people? We all certainly need a few things and things can be tools to help make life easier, more enjoyable as well as our work more efficient but they also wear out, become obsolete and we …

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Sample #4

Respect For Authority & Others The others day I noticed a bumper sticker that said, “Challenge authority.” In a world full of rebellion that has little respect for anybody or anything, that may seen like a reasonable, trendy approach. However, in God’s hierarchal system of …

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Sample #3

Heart To Be A Builder In life there are only two kinds of people: builders and wreckers. They are also sometimes referred to as givers and takers. Like a raging fire that always wants more, takers can never seem to get enough which just happens …

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